Our Story

In the tapestry of life, every stitch weaves a narrative, ours begins with a passion for craftsmanship and an unwavering love for leather. Welcome to The Leather Tailors, where the art of bespoke luxury meets the timeless allure of handcrafted leather.

Founder’s Note

At the heart of The Leather Tailors, our journey is fueled by the love for exceptional designs and commitment to curating apparel that tells a story. As a founder, my vision was simple: to redefine leather fashion with a blend of elegance and individuality. Each piece reflects not just a style, but a narrative – your narrative.

- Sukanya Tuli, Founder

About The Brand

Embracing the ethos of sophistication, The Leather Tailors curates a collection that transcends trends. Our garments are not mere accessories; they're a celebration of self-expression. From the intricate details of our botanical leather blazer to the timeless allure of our leather shirts, each creation is a testament to our dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and pushing the boundaries of conventional fashion.

Craftsmanship: We are devoted to the meticulous artistry that goes into every stitch, ensuring that each creation is a masterpiece of quality and detail.

Individuality: The Leather Tailors is not just a brand; it's a canvas for your unique style. We believe in the power of individual expression and encourage you to embrace your distinct identity through customization in our pieces.

Sustainability: As guardians of our planet, we prioritize sustainable practices, ensuring that our commitment to fashion does not compromise the well-being of the environment. From sourcing materials to production processes, we take conscious steps towards a sustainable future.

Inclusivity: Fashion is a universal language, and we are committed to crafting designs that resonate with a diverse range of tastes and preferences. Every individual is welcome to be part of The Leather Tailors family.

You Design, We Deliver